Brief History of Graphic Design

From Gutenberg to today’s graphic design: an analysis of how the historical context has influenced graphic design and vice versa.

ClientUniversity project
Brief History of Graphic Design


Born from a university exam, Brief History of Graphic Design encompasses the history of graphic design from the modern age to the present day.

The volume takes into account not only the visual communication itself but also the elements that compose it. Characters, shapes, colors are the basis of this book, without taking away from the historical context that surrounded these works. The history of techniques, choices and also the social context are the common thread that allows us to fully understand the elaborations made, highlighting the connections with techniques and history.

The book focuses mainly on three extremely important elements to understand visual communication, namely typography, people and art that conditioned the era.

Graphic design is therefore seen as the way to the massification of the message.

The book consists of thirteen chapters, from Guthernberg to the first decade of 2000.

Currently the book is being translated and redesigned for future publication.


Laid out following a fixed grid, the book traces the history of graphic design from Gutenberg to the present day.



The history of techniques, choices and social context that made Graphic Design what is was and what it is.

Project credits

DisciplinesBook design
CollaboratorsSilvio Altero